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Mine was HF about 4-5 months ago haha. But for no reason I was banned then I saw SF on the bottom and was like this is actually what I want a hackforums with no hacking!!! So here we are I am a proud member of SF Smile!
I believe my first was like 2002 or 2003, when I was about 10 years old.
Seems as if forums are blowing up right now its unique!
Around 7 months ago when I was introduced to Hackforums from a friend.
Look at the top right corner of this post, I think it can answer all your questions.
(03-22-2011, 09:24 PM)L3g1tWa5te Wrote: [ -> ]Look at the top right corner of this post, I think it can answer all your questions.

This is your first forum?

Started on MPGH, a game hacking forum, that was about 2 or 3 years ago.
After I got in a discussion with the Admin, and got banned, I joined HF.
Does aol count as a forum lol but I think the first forum I joined was back in 99
First forum, I think was

Been using forums for over 3 years.
I'm pretty sure I started 1-2 years ago.
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