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dang man, hope everything goes well
Its ok that you want to vent on here, thats why this forum is here. Just keep your head up. I hope everything works out for you. Good luck.
I have 2 kids as well, 2 girls Karma Yvonne and Sienna Nicol, they are my world my lil babies i understand what you mean by possibly resenting your unborn for what has happend. Know this that is is NOT your fault you feel this way it is just your subconcious trying to cope with the issue at hand, you know in your heart you wont resent him when you see his face. Understand that your childs paternal grandparents just want what is best for the child HOWEVER they are going about it ALL wrong, they are playing the parent role in which you bestowed upon them when you sent him there, not that is was wrong of you. You merely did what you had to do to ensure the safest scenario for your child, that in itself should show you that you are a great mother and you can pull through this. Again understanding your child is out of home i take it the grandparents feel a bit betrayed that you have your oldest living with them then willingly decide to have another baby when you dont have your first one home yet, that itself does raise questions however you had your reasons im sure. You will find that witl a little faith and courage you can trump this hol you are in, doesnt it kind of feel like it did the day you had him and the nurses took him to the nursery for you to rest, do you remember what you felt when yoiu woke uo and he wasnt there, that maternal instinct to want your offspring at least within eyesight of you. Channel that same love and compassion you have into getting your family back together again. We must be the strongest for our offspring then ourselves
hi jl, thanks for your reply. well the thing is i just always assumed that to take him out of where he was settled would be wrong of me to do that. i just always thought he was happier there and that they were these two amazing people. now i havent seen my son for 5 weeks and am having to go back and forth to my lawyer to get this sorted out. its been really hard and i dont know what they are telling him because they told my lawyer it was my choice to stop seeing him when it wasnt. i have proof of them changning arrangements so im not the liar, but i dont care about all that i just want my son back. i will do what i can to get him back, i know it might not happen right away, they wont allow that, but ill get him back eventually whatever the judge tells me to do ill do it.
at the time they took him, he always cried when they dropped him off, always smiled when he saw them, it was never like that with me. they always told me how good he was and yet he was always grumpy at mine, i think they knew what they were doing and i hink perhaps instead of taking him they should have said no and geve me more support instead, i think they wanted him all along, and now they have the excuse they need for me not to see him.
all i do is lie in bed and cry every day. i miss him so much and i know he will be wondering where his mummy is, why isnt she here to get me.
its heartbreaking and i cant believe they have did this to him.
all i can do is wait till my lawyer deals with it, and go through the right channels, i know i wont get him back right away, but ill get overnight visits at least, and ill make sure i go through a contact centre as i dont want to see them ever again.
I would agree, it would seem as though they want to be parents instead of the grandparents, you seem to have a plan layed out for yourself and your son. Stay driven, stay focused, and you will get your reward he needs mama and you need him. Once this is all said and done i would suggest you cut ties with said grandparents, and let him choose to see them on his request if he so desires, as for the lawyer, he should be able to petition the resisding judge for a req list for you to complete in order to get your son back, that will cvertainly include a psych eval, medications, possibly counseling, and job placement methods. Keep that feeling inside your heart you WILL get him back, i have faith in you.
Sad sad story.
Ok.... I will try be as nice as possible here despite my feelings.
You let your child go. Fact.
You uncontested a court appearance! Fact.
You got pregnant again. Fact.
Now your not happy the grandparents want to control the child?
Sorry your selfish. Very selfish. This thread is about you when it should be about your kids.
You need to start thinking of others. Namely your kids!
DONT f uck up the next birth as you did the first!
Sure you can make reasons.... This and that. But ultimately if your driving force is your kids then external s hit does not come into play. (i know from experience)
You say you recently had a new bloke and were working yes?
Now i assume you broke up. So you feeling pitty on yourself decided to quit your job?
Again thats just stupid thinking. And selfish thinking.
These sort of thoughts are dangerous.
You need to be aware of what i am saying.
I am not so much picking on you as trying to explain to you.
Grow up. Start caring about the developing baby in your tummy!
Try not stress out too much over s hit.
Good luck. I do mean that.
(09-21-2010, 01:42 AM)DAMINK™ Wrote: [ -> ]Sad sad story.
Ok.... I will try be as nice as possible here despite my feelings.
You let your child go. Fact.
You uncontested a court appearance! Fact.
You got pregnant again. Fact.
Now your not happy the grandparents want to control the child?
Sorry your selfish. Very selfish. This thread is about you when it should be about your kids.
You need to start thinking of others. Namely your kids!
DONT f uck up the next birth as you did the first!
Sure you can make reasons.... This and that. But ultimately if your driving force is your kids then external s hit does not come into play. (i know from experience)
You say you recently had a new bloke and were working yes?
Now i assume you broke up. So you feeling pitty on yourself decided to quit your job?
Again thats just stupid thinking. And selfish thinking.
These sort of thoughts are dangerous.
You need to be aware of what i am saying.
I am not so much picking on you as trying to explain to you.
Grow up. Start caring about the developing baby in your tummy!
Try not stress out too much over s hit.
Good luck. I do mean that.

Well said my friend I was going to say something along those lines but you beat me to it. Goodluck with your child to be.
NO!!!! Don't do it! It's just bad what would you feel if your the unborn baby (he'll grow up in heaven) He'll also be full of hatred I guess and it will bother your conscience forever and so I suggest "DON'T DO IT!!"
(09-24-2010, 04:13 AM)tsgh mike Wrote: [ -> ]It's ok, this often happens with new fathers, you will get use to it and start loving and protect your baby I was this way last year.

If you look closely and actually paid attention then you would know this is a woman. Here is her Quote.
"anyway ive been with my new partner for 9 months we live in a lovely house together we both work full time and im now pregnant 3 months pregnant by choice.
we were both so excited and when i told my little boys gran, they have now stopped me seeing my son".
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