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Heres a little sneak preview of a Photo Viewing tool I'm currently working on.

Screenshot (Click to View)

Its current features inculde:

- Zoom In
- Zoom Out
- Image Library *
- Rotate
- Open Folder Contents
- Open Single Image
- Rename Image
- Delete Image
- View Image Properties *
- Print Image
- Save Image
- Copy Image

*Not 100% Complete

It's still in its early days. Hopefully I can make it as advanced as possible but still keep a user-friendly feel to it.

What do you guys think?

Credits to AeonHack for supplying a theme that I could easily Mod to my own personal liking.
Damn that looks really nice!

Good job Fragma.
Looks great bro. Looking forward to releise Smile
Add some cool stuff too it too
and filter the liabary so its only image files

Good stuff man Smile
Looks nice Confusedmile: .
You got the idea from my thread ?
That looks really nice. I also like the Aeontheme Mod.
Can you please finish this
Why does everyone make a PhotoViewer?
That's pretty nifty. It looks like it would be rather handy at times. I can understand the purpose of things behind this. Although you can look at your pictures elsewhere, it's fun doing so in an app that you made yourself. When I make a calculator in VB, I'll probably use it, and never again the built in calc.