Why do loads of people have ItZ in their name? I know four people who payed the exspensive name change fee just to have it in their name...
Idk. I have it in one of my gamertags too, but I just did it... well just because.
All I know is that it stands for "In The Zone"
It used to be a popular clan I guess.
Oh didn't know it stood for that
iTz (or any variation of that) has been going around a lot, for a while now. I think it's stupid (along with any unnecessary, random capitalization of letters), it seems extremely unoriginal. But hey, that's just my opinion.
My old gamertag (two years back) was iTz FkN Mythiic. Which was as unoriginal as it gets. :p
I think there was also a thing going around that the people in that clan were paid to play xbox. I'm not sure how true it was, but... I really wish I knew more about it. :\
Edit: LOL I just realized that my name on SF has iTz. xD oopsy :p
I think people do it, to look cool. But I find it stupid.
Lol this reminds of me of halo3 when everyone started to put i mh i or i sniper i with the i's
Not everyone put Itz because it means "In the Zone." Most put it because it's literal meaning is "It is" but with a Z.
(08-15-2010, 12:47 PM)Nemmyy Wrote: [ -> ]Not everyone put Itz because it means "In the Zone." Most put it because it's literal meaning is "It is" but with a Z.
But not many people know that it means 'in the zone' because they just see it around and copy it. I actually wanted to see what it meant before I used it.
iTz was an old Halo pro team. It had no meaning to "it is" it was purely meant to mean in the zone as someone above me has posted. I guess you could say it caught on.