(08-13-2010, 07:34 AM)ucrazii Wrote: [ -> ]please do not use a premium account, or thanks for your ip-address.
I ROFL'd. Like three times.
Member banned, so we can't expect any more copies.
I hate Shitcash.
As the new guys know about it, they don't will to pass the surveys.
(08-13-2010, 08:15 AM).Fr0z3n Wrote: [ -> ]adf.ly + sharecash? damn
I'll download his file with a downloader as a reward for posting adf.ly link + sharecash link. Hope he likes it
Is it worth even trying to download? I have seen no replies on it except complaints about the sharecash link.
LOL @ dont use a premium account.
Has anyone used this? I would like for this to be real.
Giving away a E-Book on Adf.ly and Share Cash, really? I am really sure that the E-Book isn't working because your account appears to be Closed - Banned and you only got 65 posts. (I'm just saying)