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Full Version: Who the heck am I?
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Hey Omni ! How are you ? I like thiss site Smile
Welcome to Support Forums, Omniscient! Smile
Welcome to me and you. I like gaming and girls.
I hope to find this forum as interesting as Smile

As I'm an addict to it. Smile
thank you for making HF and SF. this is really helpful to us.
Hello ..
I hope that this forum will be successful enough ..
By the way, nice picture: P
It's not one of your hobbies to read hundred of PM daily?
hmm never knew much about you. ill be sure to pm me you when i hit up vegas Big Grin
Thanks for sharing a little bit about you and your life.
Finnaly i got your name,lol.Would never have hoped that you have kids...damn view from the forum is completely different to real life.
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