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Thought i would make a thread for myself to post in lol.
Yes i am that bored.
No one is posting and i am stuck here in Aussie time without anyone to talk too damn it.
So consider this the.....


I dont care what you ask. I will answer. Might be nice, might not. Depends on question.
But ya wanna know about me. Wanna ask something. Then use this thread.
Lets make this thread a rocker.
Wanna flame a bit. Dunno if this will be allowed but i will reciprocate.
Its a fun thread. A thread for pics or vids or whatever.
Hope i can keep this alive and active.
Bring it SF. And specifically Omni. Joke joke ok!. Smile
No takers? I dont mind. Here is an appetiser.

GOD = Does not exists.
TIME TRAVEL = Cant happen.
FORUMS = Dead.
Sexism = YES. (here is ya chance Eve ;) )

Hell i will debate anything you like. I just want a challenge.
Here is why guys and gals.

I find debate. And particularly heated debate can produce the best results out of a person.
So off the cuff results are expected. Not copy paste google stuff.
Core beliefs would be a great start.
How much was your VBulletin license... Do you want to buy me one? Tongue
It cost me around $200. Dont remember specifically the amount. Around that.
$ and cents dont bother me too much mate. I had to move and paid it. BEST MOVE I EVER MADE MATE.
I was stuck before i moved from the pathetic forum software.
As for buying it for you. Yes i will if you can esuck me? Smile
Yes I know, I want to move to VB but I can't afford it...


License please.
If you were an aquatic animal which one would you be?
(08-10-2010, 04:55 AM)Thomas® Wrote: [ -> ]If you were an aquatic animal which one would you be?

Shark. No brainer.
Have you ever read the epic "Paradise Lost" ?
No i have not. I largely never read books. Unless they contain naked ladies Smile
Ok so your telling me that you actually do not believe in time travel, thus not believing in the 11 dimensions ?
11 dimensions lol. There are like 4. Time being the forth?
What are the rest?
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