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Im a male 14 year old and I actually care about how i dress
is this normal?
It's actually quite stressfull to me.
Please tell me if its normal to do so.
Nothing wrong with that.
Some say you "wear the pride on the outside"
im not a homosexual btw.
There's nothing wrong with that at all. Everyone has their own special hobby/niche. Yours just happens to be "style," it's completely normal.
(08-07-2010, 11:36 PM)spy- Wrote: [ -> ]Yea,
im not a homosexual btw.


But, yeah, it's completly normal. I care about it a lot, I have so much clothes.
You're supposed to care about how you dress and present yourself.
I'm very picky about what I wear. When I go out shopping it can take hours just to find one bit of clothing I like. But I don't mind as long as I'm looking good Big Grin
Although most girls normally can buy loads of clothing very quickly but take forever to decide what to wear.
It just depends who you are. No problem with it.
This is completly normal like the guys wrote above me. Everyone care about how he's dressed, am i right?
(08-08-2010, 03:54 AM)simba1337 Wrote: [ -> ]This is completly normal like the guys wrote above me. Everyone care about how he's dressed, am i right?

Correction. I don't think hobo's care. (:
Well, for me its pretty normal... I am caring what i am going to wear alot Tongue
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