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English,Swahili,Japanese,Hindi,French,Bits of Arabic and Korean.
And im planning on learning russian in january...
english of course

and little bit of spanish i picked up when i lived in washington most of my friends were from mexico
I can only speak english fluently, except I have some skills in french. In Canada we have to take the course in school, so I picked a bit up.
Just two : Malay and English (British + America)
I speak British English if that makes sense.
I speak partially French but I mostly forget. :L
English and Russian, @ VeinsOfTheSun, You will find that Russian is quite enjoyable, very easy to speak. To me the hardest part would be learning their alphabet, if you learn on your own

The New Penguin Russian Course: A Complete Course for Beginners

Is a good place to start that's how I learned, Good luck and I hope you have a fun time learning.
English, Polish, some Russian.
English, and I'm currently learning Italian.
English, "Spanish" (The stuff they teach at school), and a south asian language I will not name Big Grin
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