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Haha..very nice poet..first satanza make me wanna laugh..
Stanza you mean..? satan.. za? Haha. Glad you all like it.
(08-12-2010, 11:03 PM)Yin Wrote: [ -> ]Stanza you mean..? satan.. za? Haha. Glad you all like it.

You say potato I say tomato.

Nice poem though.
wow i actually like it!
Nice poem! Well written!
Very nice, must have taken a while to think about it, 7-8/10 Smile
i gave it a 9/10
(08-06-2010, 01:28 AM)Yin Wrote: [ -> ]Appreciate it. The big boss with the beard is Omni obviously.

That part made me laugh. Roflmao
Glad you guys like it. If you have any ideas for other topics, I'll write them.
Great poem Yin, made me smile all the way through.
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