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(10-05-2009, 07:08 PM)Darkside92 Wrote: [ -> ]Archlinux

pacman -S <packagename> installs package

pacman -Syu updates =]

(10-05-2009, 03:03 AM)Kernel32 Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks interristing for a linux newb like me Smile
I'm also new to all that terminal using.
Don't forget:
-Clear (Clears the screen)
-mkdir (Make Directory)
-Echo (Simple text echo)
-PWD (Present working directory)
-Wget (Gets files from website)
-cal (Displays a calendar)
-ftp (Terminal acts as an FTP program)

For debian and Ubuntu users there is a nice list here: Basic Linux Commands With Man Pages

Oh and the most important if you do an alt crap f1... EXIT!
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