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ya but then a string would snap and cut your fingers off

i wish i caught a 50 pounder
a what? i havent a clue what one of them is but im going to assume and say but some how it manages to crush you

i wish my life was better
ya but it would become too good and you would die of too many happy moments

BTW 50 pounder is a fish that weighs 50 pounds (approx 25 kilos) or a deer or anything

I wish i had a higher FPS rate on COD4 on max resolution
god dam i have cod4 and i still dont know what that means, im just going to say that whatever you play it on blows up

i wish nothing will ever go wrong
But Then everything will Be Boring.

I wish I had a cookie
that i ate

i wish i had a a glass of chocolate milke
and you drink it after its expiration date

I wish i had an M4 carbine
and it gets jammed and breaks

i wish i was amazing at everything i ever did
you would PWN ppls asses and they would kill you

I wish i drank tea like 10 minutes ago XD
lol, you would burn you tounge so you couldnt speak i again

i wish im about to watch district 9
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