08-31-2010, 04:18 AM
Dont be offended by my opinion. Its just that. My opinion.
If you need to ask how to make money despite the fact you have already purchased certain things to do so then i feel you have really missed the point.
You need an idea. A niche.
You offer none of this.
If you think you can just copy what someone else is doing then your wrong.
If you think you can buy an ebook teaching you how to make money then your wrong.
Seriously mate. Think about it.
Assume i can make $1000 a day from a technique i know and no one else knows.
For me to sell this is stupid. It will ultimately take away money from me as the market gets saturated.
I would only sell the idea once its on its last legs. When its about to die effectively.
Now i would sell to people that know. Not noobs.
So noobs get this info later again.
See what i am sayin?
If you really want to know then you really need to find a niche mate. Its paramount to making money.
I could go on but i think this is enough.
If you need to ask how to make money despite the fact you have already purchased certain things to do so then i feel you have really missed the point.
You need an idea. A niche.
You offer none of this.
If you think you can just copy what someone else is doing then your wrong.
If you think you can buy an ebook teaching you how to make money then your wrong.
Seriously mate. Think about it.
Assume i can make $1000 a day from a technique i know and no one else knows.
For me to sell this is stupid. It will ultimately take away money from me as the market gets saturated.
I would only sell the idea once its on its last legs. When its about to die effectively.
Now i would sell to people that know. Not noobs.
So noobs get this info later again.
See what i am sayin?
If you really want to know then you really need to find a niche mate. Its paramount to making money.
I could go on but i think this is enough.