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Pages: 1 2 3 4
Thanks for the information. Smile
Great article, I actually learned about this the hard way but nonetheless, should help those who haven't encountered this crap yet.

I really hope all those companies who make a profit off this end up losing it all, so far from what I've read, it seems that it's happening as they're cracking down on them but there's still some who haven't gotten a taste of justice yet...
Thanks for this, was a decent read. Smile
Pretty sure I was once infected by most of these.

Thanks for such a nice information , i,m sure it will help lot of peoples who prefer downloading free antivirus from internet
Hmm do they always give the warning???
Hey that's a good list of rogue software you got going there!

Nice work.
This is really useful information. Thanks for sharing it though.
Thanks for this will help people a lot. Great job.
Thank you a lot I will never go on those sites Smile
Pages: 1 2 3 4