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(08-03-2010, 01:48 PM)Nemmyy Wrote: [ -> ]Lol you just buy sites and steal their threads/posts? That's funny

I'm sure he's not stealing it, he buys sites, improve them, sell them...
(08-03-2010, 01:56 PM)simba1337 Wrote: [ -> ]I'm sure he's not stealing it, he buys sites, improve them, sell them...

Lol wait so support forums is he gonna sell it??
Well , i think hackforums and supportforums both are good , Because there are tons of nice and helpful members .
@Michaelmhmhmh: i'm not sure, it's Omni's choice.
@Incrediable: He's not only working on this both sites, as he got tons of other forums/sites, but his success are HF & SF.
I like hackforums, but I like it here better. People dont go flaming all around.
He could sell it if he wants but he stated earlier that he chooses to stay with a group of forums that he develops and doesn't sell.
Yeah i agree with Sam, BTW now i think it's enough offtopic. This thread is not about Omni's business.
If omni sells it ill probably go back to Hf but i still go on hf, but i hate how be are such @$$holes on HF
Hack Forums: amazing activity levels.
Board statistics: 725 users active in the past 5 minutes (597 members, 53 of whom are invisible, and 124 guests).

Support Forums: thoughtful discussions, considerate attitudes, quality userbase.
HackForums is hated by tons of members but to me its a very nice and managed site also Support Forum is not hated by members and its also a nice place to get support.
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