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(12-12-2010, 05:16 PM)H0p.e Wrote: [ -> ]Hey, Jay, okay, pre-k(?), may.

My words:
chew, you, grew, few, crew.
Pew, Mew, New, Knew, Shrew

My words,

Mop, stop, slop, chop, shop
Mommmy i heard lil wanye ryme this words!!

('Bitch, Bitch, Bitch, Bitch, Slutty Bitch')
(12-12-2010, 05:18 PM)New Reply Wrote: [ -> ]Mommmy i heard lil wanye ryme this words!!

('Bitch, Bitch, Bitch, Bitch, Slutty Bitch')

Trailer hitch, stitch, snitch, raise my pitch, nutty lunatic

My words:
Grow, flow, bestow, go, in a bow
Glow, foe, woah, show, blow.

My words:
Kill, bill, will, still, pill
ok here goes:

my words:
Eat, wheat, beet, tweet, suite

My words:
Bam, Sam, scam, clam, ram.
Slam, Spam, Ham, Yam, Am

My Words:
Drink, Sink, Mink, Pink, Zink
# Laughter, admirer
# Blue, shoe
# Hat, cat
# Plate, eight
# Marigold, button holed
# Night, fight
# Rain, pain

Those are 5 rhyming words that popped into my head

My words:

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