(07-31-2010, 12:17 AM)Pokémon Wrote: [ -> ]I already got MS Office, but why would I get iWork if I have office?
I like safari more than fire fox on here.
Safari has an exploit which you can grab their saved form data using javascript.
I would recommend using a better browser, firefox or chrome.
uTorrent, msn, ircx pro, garage band, windows visual c++, ...
iAlertU - security
iantivirus - AV
screeni - animated wallpaper
photoshop - photo editing
realbasic - VB for macs
limewire - free music and movies
spotify - music <3

Lucky. That must have put a nice big hole in your pocket.
I just got a macbook pro as well, boss aint it

I don't see why Macs are so popular.
Adobe Photoshop,
App Zapper
I might get a Macbook Pro for xmas

I just love apple in every way xD
Just don't make it slow.
I want a mac so bad... Your so lucky ='(...